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  • Articles

    From non integrated to integrated urban development: an illustrated story

    There are many ways to explain what integrated urban development is, or should be. One of the ways is to show examples on the opposite, i.e. on non-integrated solutions for urban development. Here we

  • Articles

    Cities in Article 7 – From Planning to Implementing and Funding

    This network article reflects on some reference elements of integrated urban development in the European funding period 2014-20. Under Article 7 new tools of implementation and funding of interlinked

  • Articles

    Expectations of cities participating in CIA 7 Implementation Network

    The starting point for the “Cities in Article 7” (CIA 7) Implementation Network is to explore how 9 cities in 8 EU Member States benefiting from ERDF funding for the implementation of integrated urban

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    ReGeneration and the inter-generational approach

    Initial reflections on the implementation network challenges after first visits to the partner cities.

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    An innovative approach to cultural heritage management

    When thinking of economic development in small-medium size cities, cultural heritage always plays an important role in any city strategy, particularly in the historical towns where the valorisation of

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    Towards new approaches and methods for poverty reduction in deprived urban areas

    As almost all the European cities, partners of URBinclusion are threatened by the increase of social polarisation, which is a consequence of many parallel processes: a growing volatility of employment

  • Tune to implementation

    It’s easy enough in principle to start doing new things. It happens every day, in every walk of life. But it often happens in isolation; one thing over here, another over there. More rarely is there a

  • Articles

    Women and the City: Be Bold For Change on International Women’s Day

    8 March is International Women’s Day (IWD) and the campaign this year is #BeBoldForChange. IWD is a worldwide event that celebrates women’s achievements –from the political to the social – while

  • How the food sector can help reduce youth unemployment in European medium-sized cities

    V Lizboni se bodo 13. in 14. septembra na URBACT Festivalu mest srečali izvoljeni predstavniki, urbani praktiki in strokovnjaki iz vse Evrope, kjer bodo sodelovali, razpravljali o ugotovitvah 20