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    Participativni pristup regeneraciji gradova na primjeru Lodza i Zagreba

    Tijekom stotinjak godina svoga postojanja Blok Badel, koji se nalazi u centru Zagreba, prošao je razne faze – od tvornice alkoholnih pića i tvornice kvasca, pa do današnjeg napuštenog područja

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    Več kot le Čebelja pot

    Ljubljana skrbi za čebele in divje opraševalce, ohranjanje biodiverzitete in razvoj urbanega čebelarstva.

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    Vilafranca del Penedès helyreállítása – egy transzfer történet Katalóniából

    Vilafranca del Penedès (Spanyolország) városában számos rendezetlen tulajdonviszonyban álló és rossz állapotú épület van, amelyek rehabilitációjának céljából lépett be a város az ALT/BAU Transzfer

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    Altena - A Transfer Story

    Our starting point: We had already a working volunteering base, the STELLWERK and we also had some great projects which are going on in Altena, but we have one really big problem we need new and young

  • Insights from the URGE network: thematic report

    Insights from the URGE network and experiences from the Intermunicipal Community of the West Region in Portugal on the mapping of flows and industrial symbiosis in a circular economy. 

    By Dr. Eleni

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    Sooline võrdõiguslikkus pärast pandeemiat

    COVID-19 pandeemia on võimendanud mitmeid sotsiaalseid ja süsteemseid takistusi naiste igapäevaelus. Naised seisavad silmitsi suureneva perevägivalla, tasustamata hoolduskohustuse, töötuse ja

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    Με μεγάλη επιτυχία και συμμετοχή διοργανώθηκε τη Δευτέρα 24 Μαΐου το Τελικό Συνέδριο του Δικτύου «Πόλεις Εθελοντισμού» του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος URBACT, από τον Δήμο Αθηένου, που είναι ο Επικεφαλής

  • The power of civic ecosystems: Learning from the ACTive NGOs network

    After three years of joint work, the ACTive NGOs URBACT Transfer Network has arrived to its final months. In these three years, the cities of Riga, Brighton and Hove, Dubrovnik, Espoo, Santa Pola and

  • Le città italiane attive nelle conferenze finali dei Transfer Network URBACT

    Sono molte le città italiane che negli ultimi 2 anni sono state impegnate nei Transfer Network del programma URBACT con l’obiettivo di condividere e trasferire una buona pratica urbana per la