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  • Articles

    General impacts of green spaces on physical and mental health (video)

    In early 2014 URBACT launched a suite of pilot transfer networks to explore a new way to support peer-to-peer learning amongst cities. The aim was to test the feasibility of a new type of URBACT
  • Articles

    How to plan healthy cities? (video)

    How to plan healthy cities? What is a healthy city? How does human health relate to planetary health?

  • Articles

    Green spaces and mental health (video)

    URBACT Good Practice Call 5 Dec 2016 - 31 March 2017
  • Articles

    Healing gardens in hospitals (video)

    What benefits do healing gardens and therapeutic gardens have in hospitals?

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    Neighbourhood activities in Riga – an effective way for engaging residents in the local community’s activities

    The movement of neighbourhood associations is developing more actively in Riga. Residents of neighbourhoods unite to promote good ideas for improving the environment and quality of life in their

  • Articles

    9 cidades europeias juntam esforços para pôr fim ao fenómeno dos sem-abrigo. Ambicioso? Claro que sim!

    O que é um sem-abrigo, porque é que este fenómeno está a crescer e como é que soluções inovadoras de habitação estão a resolver este problema

  • Articles

    Playful Paradigm to re-think cities: join our participatory play lab at the European Week of Regions and Cities

    Thu 8 October | 11:30 – 13:00 CET | Registration deadline: 27/09/2020

    Let's build together upon the Good Practice of the Playful Paradigm URBACT Network!

  • Articles

    Rome: the Improvement Plan of the city’s Regulations of Urban Gardens is going ahead

    The debate between the Councilor for Green Policies of the City of Rome, Ms Laura Fiorini, and the representatives of the city’s urban gardeners associations is in progress: the City Administration

  • Janez Ziherl: »Ne smemo ignorirati mnenja občanov«

    Janez Ziherl je vodja Urada za okolje in prostor na Mestni občini Kranj. Na občini je zaposlen že dobro desetletje, v tem času je imel možnost delovati v različnih službah in se tako dodobra seznaniti