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  • Le reti URBACT e il futuro delle città: sei grandi temi per il rilancio urbano nel post-pandemia

    Una lettura approfondita dei temi che emergono dai nuovi Action Planning Network e dall’azione delle città italiane coinvolte, da cui emergono elementi utili per immaginare le politiche urbane del

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    Může školní jídelna změnit způsob, jakým zacházíme s potravinami?

    V portugalštině existuje fráze „É de pequenino que se torce o pepino“, což volně přeloženo znamená „dobrému chování je možné se naučit už od útlého mládí“.

    Jídla podávaná ve školních jídelnách mají

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    What Brno has learnt with the OnStage project – until now

    Brno's participation in the URBACT OnStage network has been one of the first Czech experiences in using music education programs to promote social change. Two city schools now offer - even in the days

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    Cum să gestionezi rețele? Lecții de la COVID-19

    Rețeaua de planificare a acțiunilor Health & Greenspace a avut întâlnirea de start pentru faza a II-a, în perioada 16-17 iunie. Acest lucru înseamnă că 9 orașe ale UE au pornit într-o călătorie lungă

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    Good practice definition for the NGO Platform

    NGO Platform in a nutshell
    NGO platforms connects citizens who need help or who care about a particular issue with local groups which are active in this field. NGO platforms support local groups with

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    Good practice definition of aPop-up Shop

    Pop-up shop in a nutshell
    Pop-up shops utilise under-used or vacant premises for short term commercial or social initiatives. Short term and low cost leases reduce the risks for entrepreneurs to

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    Mesta mestom: Občinski proračun po meri občank in občanov

    Uresničevanje participativnega proračuna v Ajdovščini

    Soodločanje prebivalk in prebivalcev o porabi dela proračunskega denarja občine je v Sloveniji prisotno razmeroma kratek čas. Gre za idejo

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    Нови времена, нови средства

    Въздействието на пандемията върху УРАБКТ и транснационалното сътрудничество

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    Hoe beheert u een netwerk? Lessen van COVID-19

    Het Health & Greenspace Action Planning Netwerk had zijn Fase II Kick-off bijeenkomst op 16-17 juni. Dit betekent dat 9 Europese steden beginnen aan een twee jaar durende reis om de lokale