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    Aduce Covid schimbări pentru Noua Cartă de la Leipzig?

    Expertul Eddy Adams pune întrebări privind cele mai recente evoluții și impactul Covid-19 asupra Noii Carte de la Leipzig.

    Carta reînnoită de la Leipzig era deja în pregătire cu mult înaintea pandemiei

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    Covid-19: o rampă pentru creșterea solidarității în domeniul alimentar?

    Cum pot susține și transfera orașele bune practici în îmbunătățirea accesului la alimente (sănătoase).

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    To Παιχνίδι και οι Δημόσιες Προμήθειες

    Οι υπηρεσίες και οι δραστηριότητες απαιτούν από τους Δήμους να αγοράζουν αγαθά, υπηρεσίες και έργα μέσω της διαδικασίας δημοσίων προμηθειών-συμβάσεων, που θεωρείται , από ιστορική σκοπιά , ως πολύ

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    A Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants

    The city of Amadora adopted a Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants which is now already in its second edition (until end 2020) and whose general objectives are to promote partnership among

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    The impact of COVID-19 had created a serious problem for all partners in implementing much of what they had identified through the MTR and subsequently was agreed at the SGM in Warsaw. All partners

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    The impact of COVID-19 had created a serious problem for all partners in implementing much of what they had identified through the MTR and subsequently was agreed at the SGM in Warsaw. All partners

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    There is no commons without commoning: Amsterdam's Whole Commons Catalog

    In the past 6 months, the Amsterdam Foundation Onschatbare Waarde ('invaluable value’), together with Amsterdam Commons Initiatives, made the beautiful catalog Heel de Stad, Heel de Aarde (the Whole

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    5 local training sessions in the partner cities are organized with two of the Amadora key practitioners and anti-rumour agents, Elisa Moreira (Teacher at a Secondary school in Amadora) and Marina

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    Mesta mestom: Podpora malim lokalnim akcijam

    Projekt Zunaj je nova oblika podpore prebivalcem v njihovem ustvarjanju prostora (ang. placemaking). Nudi finančno in organizacijsko podporo pri majhnih lokalnih akcijah, ki so si jih zamislile