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  • Articles

    Implementation Networks: Peer Review Session

    Roma-NeT II’ offers an opportunity for partners to build on previous experience to find new and innovative ways to develop a deeper understanding of and create capacity and know-how for cities in
  • Articles

    Creating temporary space for experimentation about future activities

    The case study on Hamburg (Germany) is one of the concrete results of the URBACT workstream ‘Sustainable regeneration in urban areas’, after collection of data, a study visit, and interviews with

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    Varna - Integrated Action Plan

    The case study on Amersfoort (The Netherlands) is one of the concrete results of the URBACT workstream ‘Social innovation in cities’, after collection of data, a study visit, and interviews with local

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    Temporary Use Value Creation Plan

    The Temporary Use Value Creation Plan is a tool, which helps cast a range of future possible developments in a temporary use project.

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    Solidarity with the refugees. Ghent: an inspiring city for Europe

    The city of Ghent (BE) has been awarded an URBACT Good Practice for its policy towards refugees that fled wars and conflicts to find a new home in Belgium. This Good Practice, called “Refugee

  • Articles

    Ghent - Integrated Action Plan

    Ghent, smart city of people

    The city of Ghent  truly believes the future of Europe will be made in and by cities and creative citizens. So we are pleased we can play our international role within the

  • Articles

    Debrecen - Integrated Action Plan

    Two main driving forces helped the creation of the Integrated Action Plan of Debrecen within the Interactive Cities URBACT III project. On one hand, the Strategy for Developing Digital Literacy in

  • Living labs for decarbonisation

    The Municipality of Braga has established as one of its strategic objectives the promotion of the change in the life of the city, investing in the construction of a more sustainable, inclusive and

  • "5 Guidelines" - cycling promotion in Bielefeld in general

    As a long-time member of the "Working Group for Cycling-Friendly Cities, Districts and Municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia" (AGFS NRW), cycling promotion is playing an important role in all