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    Future Agencies - the ALT/BAU offspring

    The famous ALT/BAU babies are not the only offspring of the ALT/BAU Transfer Network. In the ALT/BAU network, the aim was to transfer the URBACT Good Practice from Chemnitz - the Housing Agency for

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    Meet the partners: interview with Tadej Žurman

    [[{"fid":"45099","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_author

  • Articles

    Meet the partners: interview with Tadej Žurman

    [[{"fid":"45099","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_author

  • Articles

    I 5 apprendimenti del primo meeting della rete nazionale NPTI a Mantova

    Il trasferimento della buona pratica sviluppata da Mantova nel Network URBACT C_Change sul coinvolgimento dei settori dell’arte e della cultura per la sostenibilità e l’adattamento al Climate Change è

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    ¡Conoce las 7 nuevas Transfer Networks!

    Cuando se encuentra una fórmula que funciona, ¡habrá que repetirla!


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    O que aprendemos sobre a transferência de boas práticas urbanas

    Meeting held to discuss what regulations and incentives can support smart policy.
  • Articles

    What is happening in Vilnius this summer?

    While we all have our minds set on the summer vacations, Vilnius is implementing a series of very interesting initiatives throughout the city. Let’s see what is cooking in the Lithuanian capital city!

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    A Mantova una due giorni per confrontarsi e replicare la buona pratica della città

    La collaborazione tra gli attori locali impegnati nel settore della cultura e dell’arte per aumentare la sostenibilità ambientale e potenziare l’azione di contrasto al cambiamento climatico. Questo il

  • Articles

    Come In! – közösségi fesztiválok, beszélgető lakosok, élhetőbb városok

    A Come In! elnevezésű URBACT városhálózat képviselőivel, Ábrahám Mátéval (Újbuda Önkormányzata), Szerencsés Ritával (Kortárs Építészeti Központ) és Szigeti Ferenc Alberttel (a projekt URBACT