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    Open Source Software for Tackling Urban Issues

    An agency that takes care of vacant houses depends on reliable data. Where are the buildings? What data is available? How can an agency make use of them?
    Vitaly Matveev, who is now studying for his

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    Making Spend Matter Toolkit - Step 2: Analysing Public Procurement spend

    Are you a public organisation looking to create sustainable impact through public procurement?

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    Premišljena praznina: ustvarjanje prostora in pop-up trgovine

    Prazne trgovine lahko razumemo kot mestne zaloge za eksperimentiranje s skupnimi sanjami, ne le kot prostore za ponovni zagon trgovske dejavnosti. Komercialne storitve ohranjajo in bogatijo družbeno

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    Piedalies noslēguma tiešsaistes konferencē „Pienācīgs finansējums mājokļiem”!

    Viena gada mācību aktivitātes ietvaros URBACT un Urban Innovative Actions ceturtdien, 19. novembrī no 11.00 līdz 13.00 organizē trešo un pēdējo tiešsaistes konferenci par mājokļu finansēšanas tēmu.

  • Positive narratives on integration- building inclusive cities

    Following the workshop hosted by Rumourless Cities  at the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities, Lead Expert Ruth Essex reflects on how developing and reinforcing  inclusive city narratives is

  • Positive narratives on integration- building inclusive cities

    Following the workshop hosted by Rumourless Cities  at the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities, Lead Expert Ruth Essex reflects on how developing and reinforcing  inclusive city narratives is

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    Възможност за участие в съвместен проект на СЕОР и УРБАКТ

    Съветът на Европейските общини и региони (СЕОР) работи в тясно сътрудничество със секретариата на Програма URBACT по предложение за създаване на нова пилотна УРБАКТ (URBACT) мрежа за Целите на

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    Семинар за обмен на добри практики

    От 28 до 30 октомври Община Велико Търново е домакин на форум за обмяна на опит относно изграждането на мрежи за насърчаване на устойчивото и интегрирано градско развитие.