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  • Transfer networks, an URBACT Learning Lab to build capacity and promote cohesion across Europe

    You might not expect Twitter to be the place for informed debate on the future of the EU Cohesion Policy. But you’d be wrong. Amidst the white noise on this social media platform, a fascinating

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    PEER REVIEW: An useful learning tool during the implementation of activities in the INT-HERIT cities

    Peer Review is a helpful and frequently used methodology in the URBACT Programme as well as within the frame of the INT-HERIT Project.

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    Social Inclusion Successful initiatives in Turin

    June 2018, by Valeria Vacchiano, Tiziana Eliantonio, Fabrizio Barbiero

    Following the previous article about the critical situations of some Turin’s areas, we present some projects/initiatives that are

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    Nantes - ‘‘Attracting talent with and for digital tools useful for all”

    The City of Nantes chose to digital as a priority. It provides startups to develop their activities in a
    simplified way, and now have a strong local dynamic. In 2014, Nantes obtained the Metropolis

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    Employability and labour insertion of young people is a critical issue in the current socio-economic scenario. This is the reason why public authorities and institutions have to play an important role

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    Teach the Kids Coding!

    Over six weeks this spring some of the young minds of Kristiansand have gotten an exciting introduction into the inner workings of the digital world when Lær Kidsa Koding (Teach the kids coding!)

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    Bologna attracts young and cultured immigrants

    Young or very young, still have not built their family, a high educational level and in 60% of cases are Italian. They are the immigrants of Bologna, as in the research of the municipality. The

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    Get inspired by 10 plans to revitalise retail from medium-sized cities across Europe

    During 2 years, ten medium-sized European cities have been working together to improve each one’s local retail sector, by adopting a more holistic approach, and involving key stakeholders. Each URBACT

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    Welcome to RetaiLand!

    RetaiLand is a platform were you can find the most relevant contents our network has produced: case studies, outputs, good practices, integrated action plans... We invite you to surf around a virtual