Read all about the achievements of the BeePathNet Reloaded network in our last newsletter

Edited on 05/04/2023


As the project is coming to the end, it is time to unwrap all the presents that are our achievements. There are many and you can read all about them in the last newsletter. To just mention a few – we have launched a new network Bee Path Cities, published a shortened version of the guidelines that were first published in the first partnership BeePathNet. The original extended version of guidelines is also available online. To spread a lot of inspiring ideas for urban development, we have issued thematic newsletters in all partner languages as well as English and every partner city has a Bee Path with which citizens learn more about bees and pollinators in the city.

If cities wish to join the mission of pollinator well-being we have provided extensive information on how to do it on the webpage To learn all about this is and much more, please read our newsletter.   




The newsletter is available in English and all 5 partner languages:


Sign up to the BeePathNet mailing list and never miss our newsletter again! HERE

If you want to read previous editions of our newsletter, go HERE

Find out more on the Bee Path Cities network and how to join – go to



Submitted by on 23/12/2022