Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • The view from a bird's flight perspective on buildings and streets forming a city

    Celebrating Limerick as a walled City!

    Limerick, with its 210,000 inhabitants, is the third largest city in the Republic of Ireland. The city dates back to the first Viking settlements in 922, utilising its location on the River Shannon. As a medieval city, Limerick was fortified with a wall and is one of Ireland’s fifty –six confirmed walled cities. Limericks walled town consisted of what is now known as Englishtown and Irishtown.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • A group of people standing in the forest in front of an art installation depicting a spider

    Reflections after the second and third transnational meetings in Cehegin and Onda - Cehegín perspective


    The second and third international meetings of the URBACT GreenPlace network took place on March 11-14 in Spain. This event, organized in cooperation with another Spanish city, Onda, provided a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between project partners and served as a forum for discussion on the importance of working and learning together in building a more sustainable future for our cities towards Integrated Action Plans.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • A group of people standing behind an olive tree to be planted



    Transnational meeting between the cities of the GreenPlace network CNM 2-3 Onda-Cehegin



    “Your level of commitment to the goal you have in mind is directly related to your chances of success.”

    Inés Torremocha (Emotional intelligence for you – ASNIE)

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • Complex of buildings of a former pasta factory

    Ideas and possibilities for the revitalisation of a postindustrial site

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • a color photo with people sitting in an historic train

    Opportunity to get to know each other during the First Transnational meeting

    Designing and implementing sustainable development strategies are one of the primary tasks of urban areas. In the long term, achieving such a goal must include efforts to mitigate climate change. While this is a challenge that all cities are facing, this topic is a special area of interest for the partners of the GreenPlace network.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • Dabie Depot

    Let’s revitalise forgotten urban spaces for green cities, together!

    Luc Schuiten, Belgian architect, envisages that in 2100 “sustainable development will have become a pleonasm”, and as such, future cities will see new living and working habits, mobility and organisation of human relations and interfaces. Local authorities will play a role in this transformative change, notably by working on infrastructure: abandoned buildings and spaces returning to green spaces, becoming part of the urban net, enabling a pedestrian connexion and infrastructure from one neighbourhood to the other. Notwithstanding the climate benefit of such measures, streets and parks will become places for playful, physical, and artistic activities. Public spaces will become a place for creativity, learning and exchange.

    Laeken 1800- 2200, La Cité végétale, Luc Schuiten

    Laeken 1800- 2200, La Cité végétale, Luc Schuiten


    Aligned with this approach, the URBACT GreenPlace network has decided to act to address the issue of unused, abandoned and forgotten places with green revitalisation and regeneration, involving the local community.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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