Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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    Christophe Gouache, the Active Citizens network Lead Expert, is a designer of public policy but also a teacher at “Science Po” Lille, a trainer at the National Institute of Territorial Studies in Strasbourg and, occasionally, a researcher in the framework of European research programs. He reveals to us, among other things, the keys to success that have made it possible to unite the 7 member countries of the Urbact network and his vision of participative democracy.

    Barbara Gautherie

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  • Focus on Ghent (BE): open Dialogue as a guidance method for residents in Robust Housing

    By Steven Vanden Broucke l 

    Testing a new support method as part of an overall strategy to restructure the field of care and support: from fragmentation and service driven to an integrated and demand driven system of care and support. 

    Hannelore Bonami

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  • Torino (IT) - Sixth ULG Meeting - April 13, 2022

    The sixth Urbact Local Group (ULG) meeting in Turin took place on 13 april 2022 at Urban Lab’s spaces. 

    Laura Socci

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  • Greener Cities - Healthier Communities Conference and Workshop

    We are delighted to invite you to the International Conference and Workshop: Greener Cities - Healthier Communities in Limerick City Hall on May 31, 2022 (in-person event), Ireland. The conference is being organized by the City of Limerick, the project partner of the URBACT Health & Greenspace Action Planning Network. 

    Viktoria Soos

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  • We all have a good reason to distrust organic certification!

    The visits to the 4 initial BioCanteens partner cities revealed different forms of reluctance towards organic certification... which is a bit strange for cities that have just embarked on a process of transferring a Good Practice whose main issue is to to emphasise local and organic food! Beyond this apparent contradiction, local actors are faced with critical difficulties. We take them seriously and have produced two sets of facilitation cards: one entitled "We all have a good reason to distrust organic certification", which brings together all the possible counter-arguments heard in the BioCanteens cities and other network partners.

    And a second set of cards entitled "Everything we know about certification that we don't want to see!" providing all the knowledge and arguments that we have been able to gather to to combat stakeholders' distrust of certification. From webinars organised by BioCanteens #2 with 2 leading experts experts in the field, Denis Lairon, Director of Research at INSERN in biochemistry and nutrition and Lise Pujos from Ecocert for the certification process and an active teaching exercise with the students of students of the University Diploma in Sustainable Food Project Management from the University of Nice-Côte d'Azur have enabled to enrich and consolidate the two sets of cards.

    Ready to challenge your colleagues and friends on beliefs and fears about organic food?

    Clara Garrone

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  • Barcelona opens its first workspace for women entrepreneurship organizations and entities

    The file provides you with the full article by Dr. Malcolm Borg on transit oriented development in Malta's harbour regions around its captial Valletta

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