Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Lifestyle, Sports, and Healthy Cities with Mélanie Duparc

    The Healthy Cities Network aims to deepen the relationship between health and the urban environment, following a holistic approach by focusing on three overarching topics: greening and landscaping, mobility and connectivity, and lifestyle and sports.

    Caitlin Ball

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  • Co-creating a Healthy Vic at Puig dels Jueus

    As an Action Planning Network aiming to improve health outcomes for city residents, Healthy Cities is committed to engaging citizens in our work. Each of our partner cities is reaching out to their communities through pilot activities – or Small-Scale Actions, as named in URBACT projects – in efforts to co-create a healthier city together.

    Caitlin Ball

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  • Bringing Heritage-Based Urban Regeneration and Development to the Road: Success Factors and Principles by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    In this article, our ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp draws conclusions from successful projects that have used urban heritage as a starting point for regeneration and development and he shares a set of “success-factors” that can be transferred to other cities.


    Dorothee Fischer

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  • “Time for review” – lessons learnt and outcomes from the Mid-Term Review of the ‘IoTXchange’ Action Planning Network, concluded on September 2021.

    “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”. The authorship of the quote is often debated and assigned to different authors, from Peter Drucker to Lord Kelvin or to Antoine-Augustin Cournot, but if there doubts on who said it first, anyone agrees with its reasoning. Especially in complex projects, you need to take time along the process to stand back, listen to the parts involved, and measure what you have achieved so far, in order to improve your doings and make sure you reach your final aims.

    Eurico Neves

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  • Small-scale actions in Šibenik by Ines Saric

    The City of Šibenik decided to include all target groups that are part of the development of the integrated action plan in three small-scale actions that took place this summer.

    By Ines Saric, City of Šibenik


    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Multicultural reverberations by Anke van Wijck Adán

    This summer the streets of the historic upper quarters of Mula reverberated with the still rather unencompassed sounds of cheering drums. In the month of August, four courses on percussion music were organised for local and immigrant children in these neighbourhoods and constitute the first phase of Mula's Small Scale Action in the context of the KAIRÓS Project.

    By Anke van Wijck Adán, City of Mula and coordinator of the KAIRÓS project

    Dorothee Fischer

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