Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Action planning in practice - The example of Frankfurt am Main’s Womens Office

    Action planning, what is it, how does it work and what can be a good example of a successful action plan? In this article we will focus on action planning in practice with the example of Frankfurt am Main’s Women Office. This article is based on a presentation by Gabriele Wenner, head of Frankfurt am Main’s Women Office, at the GenderedLandscape APN's last transnational meeting.

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  • Healthy Cities are Gender Equal Cities

    What makes a city a healthy place to live, work, and socialise? And do planning needs differ depending on gender? For International Women’s Day this year we are exploring some key ideas of how urban planning can be used to foster equality, health and happiness.

    Marta Rofin-Serra

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  • Metropolitan Geographies for ALT/BAU – a customized map of Torino

    Similar to Rybnik, the URBACT local action group meetings in Torino had an excellent side effect, described by Erica Albarello and Giulietta Fassino.


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    EuroAltea, the European Project Office of Altea, has won the Volunteering Award thanks to its collaborative work in the URBACT: Voluntary Cities project, carried out between EuroAltea-Ayuntamiento de Altea and the local associations, De Amicitia, Corazón Exprés and Cruz Roja en Altea.EuroAltea, the European Project Office of Altea, has won the Volunteering Award thanks to its collaborative work in the URBACT: Voluntary Cities project, carried out between EuroAltea-Ayuntamiento de Altea and the local associations, De Amicitia, Corazón Exprés and Cruz Roja en Altea.


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  • Katowice's Transfer Story: from a toy library idea to a game board space in every home

    Written by Michał Kucharski and Marek Cichoń


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  • Financing the Urban Commons. Part II

    How can urban commons be financed? Civic eState investigates opportunities in EU structural funds and financial investment tools with the European Investment Bank

    Christian Iaione

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