Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • A transfer story going viral. Bringing the good practice to the sub-urbs and urban green spaces

    When 2020 came we felt we were ready and could set about creating our community festival, highlighting the built environment of the neighbourhoods, its character and stories and introducing the radio station and its potential as a social and cultural space the people could claim as their own. Then the Covid-19 arrived. As the society around us came to a halt we wanted a new digital approach to dealing with community and a way to highlight the built heritage. 

    Adrienn Lorincz

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  • Live the Etruscan Spirit of Perugia, the city of freedom and peace

    The Municipality of Perugia, with the great collaboration of the Fine Arts Academy of Perugia (ABA), is working on the launch of its communication campaign starting from the concept of the Etruscan Spirit which has featured history’s centuries, becoming a lifestyle and a thinking mood for all citizens.

    Now, it’s time for Perugia to share its heritage with the world and become the worldwide capital of peace and freedom.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Energy and food as commons: Amsterdam Transfer Story

    Amsterdam is a municipality that harbours creativity and social innovation. Winning the Icapital award in 2016, Amsterdam aims to stay a frontrunner in (social) innovation. The city adopted an ambitious ‘democratisation’ agenda in 2018 to practice new forms of -local- democratic citizenship and agency. Facilitating the local commons as part of a transformative worldwide movement is part of this agenda.

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • Brno's URBACT OnStage Transfer Story

    How to transfer what participating in the URBACT OnStage network has meant for the city of Brno? Here is the Transfer Story developed by this Cezch city of 381,000 inhabitants.


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  • Valongo's URBACT OnStage Transfer Story

    How to transfer what participating in the URBACT OnStage network has meant for the city of Valongo? Here is the Transfer Story developed by this Portuguese city of 97,000 inhabitants.


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  • RU:RBAN Final Event

    Jasper Léonard ©

    Patricia Hernandez

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