Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • RU:RBAN Final Event

    Jasper Léonard ©

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Conference “A way to a holistic transformation into green sustainable cities” presentations

    Dear citizens of Bee Friendly Cities,

    With the final conference “A way to a holistic transformation into green sustainable cities” that was organised in virtual form on the 11th of May 2021 we concluded the two and half year journey. Interest from residents of over 50 European cities for participation in the conference was special confirmation of our work. A transparent overview of conference materials such as speakers’ presentations, videos and other materials in the form of the conference agenda with links to each speaker’s materials is available HERE.


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  • Enabling co-governance in a post-communist city: Prešov Transfer Story

    Previously to Civic eState, Prešov was unaware of the possibilities offered by URBACT. Moreover, the Slovakian city devoted itself to a minimal extent to projects based on the active participation of communities, which was the core of the project. This was the reason why the Local Administrative Group got involved in the network, to gain a chance not to repeat the mistakes and to lay new foundations for effective cooperation, based on proven ways of participation that have been "tried and tested" in the other European cities.

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • Farkadona - Greece: The Smart and Healthy Planning Story of a Small City

    Farkadona, a small municipality in Greece, outlines its plan to capitalise on the existing natural landscape to build mental, physical, and natural health during the Healthy Cities project. With existing experience in public health projects, Farkadona also shares its governance tips for local leaders to get the most out of projects for health.

    Amber de la Haye

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  • Nudging residents towards outdoor exercise facilities

    When the covid-19 pandemic in Espoo shut down all indoor sports facilities, ­­outdoor exercise facilities got more popular than ever. We were lucky – this was only possible because the City of Espoo has invested within the years heavily in outdoor exercise facilities as a part of its wellbeing strategy.

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Enabling co-governance in a post-communist city: Iași Transfer Story

    As “learning city” of Civic State Transfer Network, Iași was motivated to see the good practices of the mature cities – like Naples, Barcelona and Gdansk – on participative approaches and understand how these could be adapted in the local context to better use the local urban goods, by involving actors of the local community in the process. For Iași, commoning and urban commons are quite an innovative approach to governance, being the first time the city is facing this kind of challenge.

    Gregorio Turolla

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