Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Delivering Socially Responsible Regeneration and Procurement

    Over the course of 2 and half years, Urban Regeneration Mix Transfer Network has been seeking to enable a new approach to urban regeneration. Framed by the good practice , the network has sought to influence the process of regeneration so that it includes greater community involvement and engagement, so that it brings social and environmental benefits, and so that it challenges the orthodoxy of the way in which regeneration has been undertaken historically in a European context.



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  • Adelfia: where science meets musical training for inclusion – despite Covid-19

    In Adelfia (Italy), URBACT OnStage has brought together science and music pedagogy through a pioneering research project that has served to engage children with autism and ADHD in the exciting adventure of being part of an orchestra – despite Covid-19!


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  • City video URGE: Granada

    The second of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

    City of Utrecht

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  • The Show Must Go On

    Sibenik brings C-Change to life with an interactive festival against the odds...

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Genoa and its work on a sustainable tourism development

    Genoa has been recognized for long time as an industrial city, dominated by its port and its historical steel industries which were the main economical sources of the city until its drastic imagine change occurred with the renovation of the ancient port, designed by the famous Genoese architect Renzo Piano in 1992.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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  • Quo vadis, housing agency Chemnitz? Or how the vote on the future profile of the Agentur StadtWohnen Chemnitz is based on scenarios.

    What do you do as a lead partner with a very well running good practice in an URBACT network? Of course - you transfer your good practice to the partner cities of the network. But what can be the subject of the ULG's work? One of the goals worked out by the Chemnitz' ULG was to further develop the housing agency so that it will continue to be a good practice example in the future. Dr. Frank Feuerbach (ULG Coordinator) reports on how this development process took place.


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