Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • From co-visualising the 'in between' to more integrated policies and actions? Mapping common ground in European social innovation projects

    Spin-Off' project that responds to the specific needs of the partners and will be suitable for further development and will be in compliance with the requirements of the respective Transnational/Interregional Programmes and Calls. Spin-off projects are meant to kick-start the implementation of the LAPs.

    Aldo de Moor

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  • Cities and digitalisation: “Adapt or die”

    How can cities benefit from digitalisation?  With dramatic headlines about jobs being destroyed by digitalisation, and many policy makers resisting change, Alison Partridge argues that the 4th industrial revolution, and industry 4.0, are best seen as an opportunity, not a threat, for Europe's towns and cities.

    First, some definitions…

    For many this is a complex, unfamiliar and somewhat bewildering landscape. So here are a few explanations of key terms before delving deeper.

    Alison Partridge

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  • Emerging retail and consumer trends that challenge small cities and their centres

    Mireia Sanabria, URBACT III RetaiLink network Lead Expert

    What follows is a summary of the presentation delivered at the URBACT III City Centre Doctor network transnational meeting held in San Donà di Piave (It), 29-31 May 2017. It introduces the key challenges that small and medium-sized European cities experience with regards to retailing in their city centres as a result of consumer and sector trends. It also points at some methods and policy guidelines for mediumsized cities to approach the topic with an aim of minimising the impact that the new consumption and business models have in their cities.

    Alberto Ferri

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  • Green Public Procurement & Socially Responsible Public Procurement

    Green Public Procurement (GPP) and Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) bring environmental, societal and economic benefits at the local level, and can help drive the market towards sustainability. By taking smart decisions when purchasing products and services, public authorities achieve real value for the public purse. 


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  • Stay Tuned: Keeping the door of opportunity open

    No próximo dia 13 de fevereiro, o Ponto URBACT Nacional, em parceria com a Câmara Municipal de Aveiro, promove o URBACT Infoday 2019 no Pequeno Auditório do Centro de Congressos de Aveiro.

    Ian Graham

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  • A city fighting climate change: How Nantes got its citizens to talk energy transition

    Tackling climate change was never going to be easy. But in the afterglow of the Paris COP21 Agreement, at least it seemed that we were moving in the right direction. By late 2016, the biggest polluters were signed up, and there appeared to be consensus on the scale and urgency of the problem, as well as on what needed to be done. What a difference a year can make. From where we are now, feels like we have another mountain – or two – to climb.

    Eddy Adams

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