Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Ecosystem Service Analysis enables comprehensive perspectives for planning the benefits of nature in a city

    Espoo is one of the very first cities to use ecosystem service study as a perspective for planning the blue and green infrastructure and future land use of the city. To achieve this, Espoo created an Ecosystem Service Analysis, in which the spatial variations in the number of different regulating, maintenance and cultural ecosystem services are mapped at the selected area.

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Looking ahead and reconnecting

    Last week, the network took some time to reconnect and look ahead after the holidays.

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  • Porto Metropolitan Area

    The Porto Metropolitan Area covers a vast territory with dispersed population. This offers a great diversity, resulting in an area of fantastic beauty suitable for living, investing or tourism. However, it also poses mobility challenges and a great dependency on car traffic, and RiConnect wants to help overcome such issues by better integrating mobility in urban areas.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Jihlava's successful collaboration with developers

    Every new construction in the city burdens the surrounding area with growing demands on transportation, social and health infrastructure, and other needs for a functioning urban society. Such externalities can be relatively reliably quantified, predicted or simulated. However, cities often must develop and maintain the infrastructure themselves. Is there a method to share costs with private developers and collaborate to build more sustainably with the needs of the citizens in mind?

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Mouans-Sartoux and its Food Project - Interview to Gilles Perole

    "Every region, every city, every department, every household should be able to define its own food sovereignty." (Gilles Perole, Deputy Mayor of Mouans Sartoux)

    Clara Garrone

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  • How can gender equality be achieved in Blue Economy Entrepreneurship?

    One of the key questions raised at the 2nd Transnational Meeting of BluAct 2nd Wave network which is funded by the URBACT III Programme and was organised by the Municipality of Piraeus and took place on 26 and 27 of January 2022.

    Angelos Ploumis

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