Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Vilawatt project partner cities meet virtually at Seraing - TM2

    The Belgian city of Seraing hosted a virtual meeting on 6 and 8 July - the 2nd Transnational Meeting - involving the four partner cities of the Vilawatt UIA Transfer Mechanism. The gathering was an opportunity to deep dive into Seraing case and focus on the transfer capacities of each of the participating cities to work on the contents and tools that will contribute to a better understanding of the project and to define the next steps to be taken.

    Miriam Martín

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  • Case study Munich: Creating a circular district

    In this fifth case study delivered by the URGE network, the city of Munich shares their experiences with the creation of a new circular district: the transformation of the 'Bayernkaserne' former military barracks into a new densely built urban district housing around 15,000 people.

    City of Utrecht

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  • Health&Greenspace thematic report: Urban heat stress and cooling with green structure

    How can we combat urban heat stress and cool down our cities with carefully planned and managed green structures?

    Viktoria Soos

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  • City video URGE: Munich

    The sixth of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

    City of Utrecht

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  • Meet the partners: interview with Jānis Ikaunieks

    Brokering between stakeholders

    City of Utrecht

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  • Poznań természetközeli játszóterei

    Richard Louv „Az utolsó gyermek az erdőben" (The Last Child in the Woods) című könyvében a természettel való kapcsolat hiányának következményeit vizsgálja a gyermekeknél. Megállapítja, hogy a városokban élő gyermekek körülményeikből adódóan csak keveset játszhatnak szabadon a természetben, ami rossz hatással van a szellemi fejlődésükre, a koncentrációs képességükre, a mozgáskoordinációjukra és a fizikai állapotukra. A természetközeli játszóterek megoldást kínálnak erre a problémára.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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