Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • More Freight TAILS Focus....

    The Freight TAILS network is pleased to publish the final three 'Focus on...' reports summarising the views and experiences of our 10 partner cities on our themes of Urban Freight Transport and Regulation & Enforcement, Voluntary Behaviour Change, and Procurement.


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  • Cities in migration - A conversation with Anne Bathily on integration

    I have first met Anne Bathily, expert on integration policies former policy officer at European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and now at UNHCR for Northern Europe, in the early meetings of the EU Urban Agenda Inclusion of migrants and refugees.

    Since then, we entered in never ending and always enriching informal conversations about  the role of cities in integration of migrants and refugees.

    This article is a recollection of our conversations. It looks forward at ways to capitalise on the work that URBACT network Arrival cities has achieved in the last 2 years.

    Laura Colini

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  • Murcia - Integrated Action Plan

    How can cities develop long-term strategies that integrate the goals of more sustainable resource use, reduced carbon emissions and more equitable social development? Learn more through this video! This video is part of the URBACT II Capitalisation Workstreams.


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  • CLLD Lisbon - Integrated Action Plan

    The CLLD Lisbon Network - Community-Led Local Development aims to develop effective models of local co-governance of the city that favour the implementation of actions articulated between the social, educational, cultural and economic sectors to promote inclusion and social cohesion, employment and education in disadvantaged areas in the urban context of the Municipality of Lisbon. Those urban areas are called BIP/ZIP – Priority Intervention neighborhoods. The Local Strategy of Development (LSD) general objective is to contribute to the reduction of the socio-urban fracture identified in the city of Lisbon, through three strands: 1) Increase in employment levels and stimulation of local economy; 2) Higher levels of school qualification; 3) Reduction of generational poverty


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  • The Arrival Cities Partners present their Action Plans at local level

    In order to present the Integrated Action Plan the project partners organized local events to promote the approval of the Action Plan and disseminated the results of the project.


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  • Implementation Networks: Peer Review Session

    Roma-NeT II’ offers an opportunity for partners to build on previous experience to find new and innovative ways to develop a deeper understanding of and create capacity and know-how for cities in tackling Roma integration.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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