Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • A "City Oasis" for Prešov

    An open call to re-imagine an abandoned green area in a key spot of the Slovakian city

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • Quo vadis, housing agency Chemnitz? Or how the vote on the future profile of the Agentur StadtWohnen Chemnitz is based on scenarios.

    What do you do as a lead partner with a very well running good practice in an URBACT network? Of course - you transfer your good practice to the partner cities of the network. But what can be the subject of the ULG's work? One of the goals worked out by the Chemnitz' ULG was to further develop the housing agency so that it will continue to be a good practice example in the future. Dr. Frank Feuerbach (ULG Coordinator) reports on how this development process took place.


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  • Prešov and urban commons: a few words with Peter Formela

    Prešov's project manager Peter Formela introduces the involvement of the Slovakian city in the Civic eState Network and how they are working to recover an abandoned public space

    Inteview by Matúš Žák

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • Felmérés az URBACT programról

    Az URBACT egy európai területi együttműködési program, amely 2002 óta lehetővé teszi az európai városok számára, hogy hálózatokat képezve egymástól tanuljanak, fejlesszék kapacitásaikat, és jobb, integráltabb várospolitikát alakítsanak ki.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Az URBACT összefoglalója az Új Lipcsei Kartáról

    A következőkben a fenntartható városfejlesztés megújított uniós alapelveiről lesz szó, valamint arról, hogy az URBACT ehhez hogyan járult hozzá.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Pärnu, an integrated health approach: from the planning to sustainable management of green areas

    By becoming a healthy city, Pärnu envisions improving access to green areas and increase the everyday use of public green spaces. The city wishes to develop a better network of roads so citizens can use them in their daily commute to work or school. Since Pärnu also struggles with seasonality, the city will need to be better adapted to this new context.

    As part of the project, we have focused on the riverside area. Our desire is to find a solution together with the stakeholders on how to make the existing Jaanson health trail even more attractive, while maintaining the green areas next to it. Jaanson Trail, winding path along the left bank of the Pärnu River forms a single circle with the path on the opposite bank. Both are 4 km long, but still different in appearance.

    Although this area is currently in use, we hope to find the best solutions to make this area better during the project. The final goal could be said that the wish would be to make the riverside area as attractive as we have been able to make the beach area in Pärnu. We have had some good project in the beach area and we would like to continue with the riverside.

    City plans to create visitor infrastructure also on beach meadow area next to river to continue beach promenade, to introduce Pärnu city’s unique and variable landscape and nature values and also create more opportunities to visit beach side and spend time in open air.

    It would certainly be mentioned that in the course of the project we hope to find more solutions on how to combine urban planning and health.

    A good example of integrated and sustainable management of the protected green area of the beach can be found in our project for the introduction of urban cows.

    This project is linked to the city's desire to generate a healthier environment through the protection of green areas, the promotion of active mobility and also the respect for biodiversity.

    Marta Rofin-Serra

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