URBACT stories

Hear from the URBACT community on today’s most pressing challenges and inspiring examples from all around Europe. Find the inspiration you have been looking for to put knowledge into action!

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  • Covid-19: a springboard for more food solidarity?

    How cities can sustain and transfer good practice in improving access to (healthy) food.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • Community-led housing – a key ingredient of urban housing policy

    An article written by URBACT's experts Laura Colini and Levente Polyak

    Levente Polyak

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  • How to accelerate cities’ transition to the circular economy

    Cities can be pioneers in the path towards the circular economy through the creation and demonstration of new business models.

    Eleni FELEKI

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  • Climate change and Covid-19 – a tale of two crises

    What if we treated the climate crisis with as much urgency as Covid-19?


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  • Urban poverty and the pandemic

    It's not just a health crisis we are living.

    Ivan Tosics

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  • The Local Pact

    A reinforced approach for tackling urban poverty.

    Séverine BRESSAUD

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