URBACT stories

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  • Metropolitan areas under the pandemic

    What can we learn about Functional Urban Area governance from Covid-19 responses?

    Ivan Tosics

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  • How does urban development look through a territorial lens?

    A 2020 URBACT ‘City Lab’ explored future urban development from three territorial perspectives. 


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  • Is Covid a game-changer for the New Leipzig Charter?

    Expert Eddy Adams asks about the latest developments and impacts of Covid-19 on the renewed Leipzig Charter.

    Eddy Adams

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  • The Leipzig Charter and URBACT - an explainer

    Why City Labs? Find out more in our explainer.


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  • Five ways to promote an integrated approach in your city

    Lessons from the URBACT City Lab #3 focused on the principle of integration.

    Eddy Adams

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  • Bringing (more) sustainability to cities: 5 golden rules

    How are cities putting sustainable urban development into practice? Here are 5 golden rules from URBACT's City Lab.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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