URBACT stories

Hear from the URBACT community on today’s most pressing challenges and inspiring examples from all around Europe. Find the inspiration you have been looking for to put knowledge into action!

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  • The Leipzig Charter and URBACT - an explainer

    Why City Labs? Find out more in our explainer.


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  • URBACT Transfer Lessons

    Urban Solutions: five early lessons from the URBACT Transfer Networks

    Find out why (and how) to share urban good practices!

    Eddy Adams

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  • Finding the silver lining in empty heritage: tales of temporary use

    In Ostrava (CZ) and Caen (FR), URBACT’s temporary use legacy lives on, creating new opportunities.

    Amy Labarrière

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  • Urban Heritage within URBACT projects

    Culture and Heritage are key topics for URBACT cities: from renovations of historic buildings to new management methods.

    Ivan Tosics

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  • High tech Aveiro’s new Citizen Card makes life easier

    When a high tech town simplifies citizens’ access to public services thanks to the Card4All network.

    Amy Labarrière

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  • Five ways to promote an integrated approach in your city

    Lessons from the URBACT City Lab #3 focused on the principle of integration.

    Eddy Adams

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