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  • The experience of the IES “Levante” Secondary School will be the case study for the Algeciras Transnational Meeting in December 2021

    The Delegate for Education, Environment and Emalgesa (Water Company) of the Algeciras City Council, Javier Vázquez, accompanied by the Head of Education, Manuel Navarro, and the Head of the Department of European Funds, Begoña Oliva, visited the orchard and the botanical path of the IES "Levante" Secondary School. During the visit Ms Estefanía Pérez, professor at the institute and coordinator of the Ecoescuelas project (Ecoschools), and Deputy Director Francisco Guzmán illustrated the initiatives related to orchards carried out by the teachers and students. The school’s garden has been selected as a case study by the ULG (Urbact Local Group) of Algeciras.

    Patricia Hernandez

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    To reduce the depletion of natural resources, limit environmental impacts, and make the food system more circular.

    Vera Lopes

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  • Virtual Wine cellar tour in Budafok

    The Budafok Wine Cellar Tour celebrated its 5th birthday this year. On this occasion, we wanted to present the Katona Wine House this time, the winery that has been with us since the beginning.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Focus On: Rotterdam - how is the city building on its strengths?

    The second part of this Focus On Rotterdam, explores how the city is building on its many strengths in 11 key ways. 

    James Carless

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  • Lessons from Bologna heritage-driven urban regeneration by lead expert Miguel Rivas

    Bologna is more and more widely acknowledged as a benchmark in the field of heritage-driven urban development and regeneration. Against this background, the Municipality of Bologna gently organised a one-day study visit for a KAIRÓS international delegation in November 2021. The selection of spots and the explanations taken from the different hosts stressed a good number of insights that can be synthesised in numerous main lessons, summarised in this article by KAIRÓS Lead Expert Miguel Rivas. 

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Zvýšenie participácie občanov na e-governmente: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Tartu (Estónsko)

    Mesto Tartu vďaka účasti v URBACT sieti INTERACTIVE CITIES využilo možnosť rozvíjať a testovať opatrenia na posilnenie účasti občanov na mestskom plánovaní a participatívnom rozpočtovaní s osobitným zameraním na mladých ľudí. Schválený Integrovaný akčný plán je súčasťou procesu spojeného s posilňovaním elektronickej správy mesta „e-governmentom“.

    Matus Zak

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