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  • Focus On: Rotterdam - about the city

    As we’re working closely with our partner cities, we thought it would be interesting to say a little about them. This is the first in a series of features focusing on each of the partner cities in USE-IT.

    The first in the series in Rotterdam. Here in Part 1 of the Focus On are a few interesting facts about the city.

    James Carless

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  • Önkéntességgel az igazságos társadalomért!

    Azoknak a városoknak, amelyek a jelenleg felmerülő többdimenziós társadalmi szükségletekkel szembesülnek, mint például az idősek és a gyermekek gondozása, a társadalmi elszigeteltség és a depresszió, a munkanélküliség és a szegénység, hogy csak néhányat említsünk, innovatív politikákat kell kidolgozniuk a tapasztalatcserén és az egymástól való tanuláson alapuló kollektív tanulási folyamatok létrehozásán keresztül. Ez az a szakpolitikai változás, amelyet az Önkéntes Városok+ (Volunteering Cites+) hálózat az URBACT módszertan támogatásával fejleszt!


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Reziliență și comunități: URBACT la Bienala de Arhitectură de la Veneția

    „Cum vom trăi împreună?” a pus întrebarea cea de-a 17-a Expoziție Internațională de Arhitectură. URBACT are câteva răspunsuri.

    Irina Panait

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  • Trim: Raising awareness of the SDGs

    The courthouse in Trim stands in the centre of the town, with the castle in the background, it is a reminder of the history and heritage of Trim. Both grey stone buildings have been here longer than us and could tell a story or two.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Loulé depois do confinamento: uma aposta em estilos de vida ativos

    O projeto europeu Healthy Cities teve início em 2019, permitindo à cidade de Loulé continuar o trabalho desenvolvido durante o projeto Vital Cities - Make You Active, mas acrescentando um tema de estudo, debate e análise muito interessante: o espaço urbano local.



    Maria João Matos

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  • Cum să reușești îndrăznind să eșuezi - orașele URBACT ROOF testează acțiuni pentru a reduce numărul persoanelor fără adăpost

    Despre ambiții, soluții inovatoare de locuit și incluziune: descărcați articolul de aici..

    Irina Panait

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