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  • Interview s projektovým manažérom Dávidom Cintulom o zapojení mesta Kežmarok do projektu IoTxChange

    Hlavným cieľom siete pre akčné plánovanie „IoTxChange“ je vzájomná výmena skúseností v oblasti digitalizácie založenej na riešeniach IoT – internetu vecí. Každý partner bude preverovať, či a ako by bolo možné vyskúšať riešenia, ktoré boli úspešne aplikované v iných mestách. V tejto súvislosti sa sieť pre akčné plánovanie „IoTxChange“ venuje zlepšeniu súčasného stavu moderných riešení založených na IoT – internete vecí aj v meste Kežmarok s cieľom skvalitniť a uľahčiť život občanom a návštevníkom mesta.

    Matus Zak

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  • URBACT in libreria, Donzelli pubblica “Le città sono la soluzione” dedicato alle storie delle città italiane del programma

    Un viaggio nell’Italia delle grandi, medie e piccole città che, in una dimensione di rete sviluppata a livello europeo, con altre città e realtà urbane, sono riuscite a sviluppare interventi capaci di migliorare la qualità della vita degli abitanti.


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  • KAIRÓS THEMATIC WARM-UP#2 by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    The second KAIRÓS warm-up webinar showed the potential and role of community involvement in heritage-based urban regeneration and how this is connected to urban resilience and sustainability.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • KAIRÓS THEMATIC WARM-UP#1 by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    The online meeting showed common challenges and potential of cultural heritage for urban development and regeneration.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Crónica de las Jornadas "Hacia una contratación responsable" - URBACT Pamplona

    La jornada estuvo organizada conjuntamente entre la Oficina Estratégica del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona y el Punto Nacional URBACT de España.

    En esta entrada podéis ver el vídeo completo de la jornada y consultar las presentaciones de los ponentes.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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    RU:RBAN comes to an end, the past two years have been intense, enriching and inspiring for all six cities receiving the transfer of Rome’s good practice. What better way for a send-off than meeting all together? This was the original plan, that is to meet in A Coruña ….but Covid-19 did not give the partners this chance and the meeting had to be held online. However, the partners from the Galician city did an extraordinary  work in “bringing” A Coruña to all of us through the images, videos, interviews and virtual tours of the city’s urban gardens and community initiatives taking place in their urban areas. A really successful meeting that showed the extraordinary resilience of the entire RU:RBAN community!

    Patricia Hernandez

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