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  • "All Aboard" the Green Line to Bistrița city

    During the last 10 years, road transportation has been rising in Bistrița city with an increase in the number of cars and an intensification of road traffic. This phenomenon has led to an increase of pollution caused by transport and a congestion on the parking capacity in the area. Nevertheless, urban public transport has played an important role in the development of the city, facilitating the population's access to jobs and services.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • City video URGE: Kavala

    The fourth of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

    City of Utrecht

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  • Maruška Markovčič: »Najprej je treba poskrbeti, da se skupnost poveže«

    Maruška Markovčič je na Mestni občini Ljubljana zaposlena od leta 1999. Na Oddelku za varstvo okolja, Odseku za razvoj podeželja, si prizadeva za samooskrbo Ljubljane in ohranjanje kmeta na zemlji. Poleg neposredne podpore kmetom pri razvoju njihove dejavnosti si prizadeva za krepitev lokalnih skupnosti. S popisovanjem dediščine in ozaveščanjem lokalnega prebivalstva, spodbuja razvoj turistične ponudbe ljubljanskega podeželja. Zadnja leta je najbolj aktivna na projektu Čebelje poti v Ljubljani, ki je v okviru programa URBACT zgradila tudi mednarodno prepoznavnost.


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  • Play for Solidarity - How Playful cities are using games to make cities more inclusive and reduce inequalities

    An article written by URBACT Expert Simone d’Antonio


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  • Change in the local administration: where a little magic string goes a long way

    „Innovation is a natural way to find new solutions to old problems"

    Valeria Tarallo

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