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  • Online career-networking event on 18 February 2021 for the Northern Netherlands: Meet Your Future in the Digital World!

    The Welcoming International Talent project tries to attract and keep international talents in our medium-sized cities. The best practice city of Groningen does this amongst others by organizing online career events. On the 18th of February, the International Welcome Centre Groningen organizes such an event specially for business and job-seekers in the digital field. You can find the invite to this event below.

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • The new ingredient in educational innovation: the positive impact of cooperation

    Sharing experiences, learning from each other. This is the foundation of the URBACT programme. Through the ON BOARD project, two cities (Halmstad and Viladecans) share good practices to improve educational innovation.


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  • RiConnect in 100 words

    A brief overview on the RiConnect project: its vision, goals and partners - including a collection of content for broader information on each topic

    Stela Salinas

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  • Modena Gaining Momentum in its Fight Against Climate Change

    The “Covenant of Mayor for Climate & Energy” was launched by the European Commission in 2008 and is the worlds largest movement for local and climate and energy actions. Completely in line with UN sustainable development goals and with the justice principles on climate, the Covenant deals with three issues: mitigation of climate change; adaptation to negative effects of climate change; global access to a safety, clean and affordable energy.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Nigrad iz Maribora v omrežju URGE

    Maja lani je z delom začela še zadnja skupina omrežij v programu URBACT III. Med njimi je tudi pet slovenskih partnerjev. Na srečanju partnerjev januarja 2021 smo se z njimi pogovarjali o tem, kako jim kljub omejitvam, povezanim s koronavirusom, uspeva uresničevati načrtovane aktivnosti.


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  • Thanks to ALT/BAU the ball started rolling - Artur Gliwicki describes how the transfer of the Chemnitz good practice is going in Rybnik

    Once upon a time, in the spring afternoon of 2018, I was called by the Deputy Mayor of Rybnik Piotr Masłowski and asked if I’m interested in participating in the URBACT project. Without knowing the details, I enthusiastically agreed, and it started… for good!
    What we achieve thanks to "ALT/BAU" goes far beyond the stereotype of European projects and their products. We use the opportunity to "repair" the city in residential field. We have a new, fresh perspective, and when we add to it the german genesis of Good Practice, here: in Upper Silesia we meet a very positive reception of the idea of its transfer to the Rybnik soil. Find out how it went.


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