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  • Pärnu, an integrated health approach: from the planning to sustainable management of green areas

    By becoming a healthy city, Pärnu envisions improving access to green areas and increase the everyday use of public green spaces. The city wishes to develop a better network of roads so citizens can use them in their daily commute to work or school. Since Pärnu also struggles with seasonality, the city will need to be better adapted to this new context.

    As part of the project, we have focused on the riverside area. Our desire is to find a solution together with the stakeholders on how to make the existing Jaanson health trail even more attractive, while maintaining the green areas next to it. Jaanson Trail, winding path along the left bank of the Pärnu River forms a single circle with the path on the opposite bank. Both are 4 km long, but still different in appearance.

    Although this area is currently in use, we hope to find the best solutions to make this area better during the project. The final goal could be said that the wish would be to make the riverside area as attractive as we have been able to make the beach area in Pärnu. We have had some good project in the beach area and we would like to continue with the riverside.

    City plans to create visitor infrastructure also on beach meadow area next to river to continue beach promenade, to introduce Pärnu city’s unique and variable landscape and nature values and also create more opportunities to visit beach side and spend time in open air.

    It would certainly be mentioned that in the course of the project we hope to find more solutions on how to combine urban planning and health.

    A good example of integrated and sustainable management of the protected green area of the beach can be found in our project for the introduction of urban cows.

    This project is linked to the city's desire to generate a healthier environment through the protection of green areas, the promotion of active mobility and also the respect for biodiversity.

    Marta Rofin-Serra

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  • Pärnu, an integrated health approach: from the planning to sustainable management of green areas

    By becoming a healthy city, Pärnu envisions improving access to green areas and increase the everyday use of public green spaces. The city wishes to develop a better network of roads so citizens can use them in their daily commute to work or school. Since Pärnu also struggles with seasonality, the city will need to be better adapted to this new context.

    As part of the project, we have focused on the riverside area. Our desire is to find a solution together with the stakeholders on how to make the existing Jaanson health trail even more attractive, while maintaining the green areas next to it. Jaanson Trail, winding path along the left bank of the Pärnu River forms a single circle with the path on the opposite bank. Both are 4 km long, but still different in appearance.

    Although this area is currently in use, we hope to find the best solutions to make this area better during the project. The final goal could be said that the wish would be to make the riverside area as attractive as we have been able to make the beach area in Pärnu. We have had some good project in the beach area and we would like to continue with the riverside.

    City plans to create visitor infrastructure also on beach meadow area next to river to continue beach promenade, to introduce Pärnu city’s unique and variable landscape and nature values and also create more opportunities to visit beach side and spend time in open air.

    It would certainly be mentioned that in the course of the project we hope to find more solutions on how to combine urban planning and health.

    A good example of integrated and sustainable management of the protected green area of the beach can be found in our project for the introduction of urban cows.

    This project is linked to the city's desire to generate a healthier environment through the protection of green areas, the promotion of active mobility and also the respect for biodiversity.

    Marta Rofin-Serra

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  • Jauni priekšlikumi Rīgas attīstībai no VEFRESH hakatona

    2020. gada 27. novembrī notika VEFRESH pilsētas ideju hakatons, kura laikā komandām bija iespēja attīstīt savas idejas modernākai, zaļākai un attīstītākai Rīgas pilsētai. Dalībai hakatonā bija pieteikušies vairāk par 75 cilvēkiem, to starpā: gan studenti, gan pilsētvides un IT jomas eksperti, gan Rīgas domes pārstāvji. Pasākumu atklāja un deva iedvesmu Rīgas mērs Mārtiņš Staķis un Startup Wise Guys pārstāve Zane Bojāre.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Small cities surviving Covid-19: “Without frequent sharing we would have felt more alone”

    Stakeholder engagement, cross-sectoral cooperation, integrated planning – an URBACT recipe for resilience!



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  • Starkes Bekenntnis zu Vielfalt, Weltoffenheit und Toleranz: „Altonaer Deklaration“ entwickelt

    Der Bezirk Altona in Hamburg setzt mit der „Altonaer Deklaration“ ein starkes Zeichen für eine vielfältige und tolerante Stadtgesellschaft. Möglich gemacht haben das unter anderem der Wissensaustausch und die Impulse des Bezirks mit den anderen europäischen Partnern im URBACT Transfer-Netzwerk Rumourless Cities. Ziel des Netzwerkes ist die Stärkung der demokratischen Werte und der Abbau von Vorurteilen und Diskriminierung jeglicher Art in der Stadtgesellschaft. Zum Ende der Projektlaufzeit stellen wir die Ergebnisse der Netzwerkarbeit vor, die sich im ganzen Stadtbild zeigen.

    Heike Mages

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