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  • Learning more about civic participation in Dubrovnik

    On May 29- 30, 2019 project partners met for the second Transnational Seminar in Dubrovnik (HR).


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  • Planning Towards a Strategic and Responsible Public Procurement in Pamplona

    Pamplona City Council has been participating since 2018 in the URBACT Transfer Network Making Spend Matter, whose initial objective is to carry out a spend analysis on public procurement with the purpose of facilitating and fostering SMEs, as well as social economy companies, access to tenders and public contract awards.

    Alison Taylor

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  • What now for the EU’s urban policy agenda?

    Camelia Coporan tells us about Romania's EU presidency, the benefits of transnational city networks and territorial cooperation.

    Jamie Mackay

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    We want to continue with the presentation of our partner cities. It is always a good moment to travel to Portugal and discover this beautiful city...


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  • Cultural regeneration of DAMSLab area in Bologna

    Culture as an engine for the growth of urban suburbs or areas with a low rate of opportunities and citizen involvement. This is the theme at the heart of the Urbact “Urban Regeneration Mix” project (REMIX project) in Bologna which is concerned with culturally regenerating the area of the Manifattura delle Arti and in particular the DamsLAB area.


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  • 2019 Bologna conference on citizen engagement

    An article by Denise Cahill - Project Lead Playful Paradigm, Cork City

    The City of Cork represented the Playful Paradigm partnership at the 2019 Bologna Conference on Citizen Engagement on July 1st and 2nd 2019.


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