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  • It’s all about MARKETING!

    Do you know how you can support the reactivation of vacant buildings through marketing, promotion and communication activities?

    The partners of the ALT/BAU network have found the following solutions.

    Nils Scheffler

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  • Transnational Meeting in Vilnius, 9-10 July 2019

    The City of Vilnius hosted the project’s Transnational Meeting on 9-10 July. Representatives from the partner cities participated in the two-day gathering made of workshops, presentations, field visits and round table discussions. The venue for the first day of the meeting was the City’s Municipality, while the Vilnius Tech Park was the venue for the second day of activities.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Talking houses in Gyergyószentmiklós / Gheorgheni

    The Armenian heritage of Gyergyószentmiklós/Gheorgheni is visible on the buildings located in the downtown area. The exterior of the building, however, shares only part of the full story; the rest lays untold behind the gates, doors, and the people inhabiting the spaces inside. A civilian group is seeking to change that for a day and is inviting all open-minded inhabitants and citizens to visit these Armenian houses, because on September 7, all doors will be open to everyone curious to hear about the history and stories related to these homes.


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  • 5 URBACT lessons to improve Placemaking in your city

    From methodology to strategic planning and including a gender perspective, Jon Aguire Such shares the secrets of placemaking, URBACT style.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • REFILL@LILLE: Policy Design Labs and URBACT exchange networks

    How civil servants from Lille Metropole benefited from the experience of URBACT REFILL network to shape a roadmap to set their temporary use policy. 

    François Jégou

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  • City of Pardubice Inspired by Innovative Know-how in the UK

    Pardubice has become a successful candidate and joined the TechRevolution project under URBACT III operational programme. The project will help to find solutions in the digital and creative industries. TechRevolution project leader is an English town Barnsley, which has selected its closest partners for the first stage of the project: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, and Pardubice, The Czech Republic.

    The project aims at small and medium-size industrial municipalities interested in high-tech initiatives, focusing on the establishment and sustainability of business incubators, creative hubs or start-ups, regardless of the stage of preparation or development of the local innovative environment.

    Matthew Snowden

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