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  • Gender Equal Cities: Inspiration from Vienna

    Vienna (AT) is famous for many things: classical music, exquisite architecture and good cakes too. Less well known is its reputation as an exemplar city for gender-sensitive urban planning.

    Sally Kneeshaw

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  • How mobility becomes an integrated part of our city development

    Right before the start of this year’s URBACT City Festival in Lisbon I found myself sitting at the waterfront at Praça do Comércio, enjoying the atmosphere with people and boats passing by. Later, I discovered this beautiful area around Largo Corpo Santo and Porta do Mar, just a few minutes walk from Praça do Comércio, too. I was surprised to learn during the festival workshops that just a few years ago, my perception of Lisbon’s urban spaces would have been very different. Where people now meet and linger, cars were parked – far from creating a charming atmosphere! So, what happened over the years? asks Claus Kollinger

    Planning for people and not for vehicles – how urban mobility becomes an integrated part of our city development

    Shift in planning – or “cars evaporate!”

    Claus Kollinger

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  • URBinclusion 3rd Transnational Meeting in Turin

    By Turin Local Team. The 3nd URBinclusion transnational meeting was held in Turin on the 2nd and 3rd of October and was dedicated to the discussion and learning on collaborative services to deliver social policies.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • URBACT City Festival 2018 Breakout session: Exploring the role of culture & creativity

    Fabio Sgaragli, URBACT Lead Expert at Fondazione G. Brodolini says communities can and should play a key role in cities’ creativity and takes a look at pioneering cities like Glasgow, Bilbao and Turin.

    Fabio Sgaragli

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  • Int-Herit Transnational Meeting Dodoni - Video & Report

    The network has published a new video produced after its seventh transnational meeting held last November in the municipality of Dodoni in Greece.

    Antonio Zafra

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    The region of Molossia limited to the west with the Ionian Sea, to the south with Acarnania and Aetolia, to the southeast with Thessaly, to the east with Macedonia, to the northeast with Paeonia and to the north with the vast country of Illyria. Molossia was a mountainous country dominated by the Pindo range and the Acroceraunios mountains. Dodona, its capital, was located approximately in the center of this territory and it was famous for its oracle. Around the city of Dodona lived the Molossian factions of the Antitanes and other Epirote tribes about 2,500 years ago.

    Antonio Zafra

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