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  • Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas Inovatīvo Darbību konkurss noslēdzies ar 112 saņemtiem pieteikumiem

    2023. gada oktobra beigās noslēdzās 2. Eiropas pilsētiniciatīvas Inovatīvo darbību konkurss, kurā tika saņemti 112 pieteikumi no 21 ES dalībvalsts, tajā skaitā 1 pieteikums no Latvijas. Šajā reizē konkurss bija veltīts trīs būtiskākajām tēmām: Zaļākas pilsētas, Ilgtspējīgs tūrisms un Talanta potenciāls sarūkošās pilsētās.


    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Work session at TNM Vic

    Beyond the Urban: A Bold Initiative to Transform Europe's Urban-Rural Dynamics by looking beyond the car!

    In a groundbreaking effort to transform Europe's urban-rural dynamics, the URBACT initiative Beyond the Urban embarks on a three-year journey to tackle key challenges in connectivity. This ambitious program, co-funded by the European Union and led by Creacció from Vic, Spain, unites a consortium of ten partners representing cities across Europe including Bram (France), Bucharest (Romania), Hradec Králové (Czechia), Kočani (North Macedonia), Machico (Portugal), Szalbolcs 05 (Hungary), Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal), Tartu (Estonia), and Treviso (Italy), as well as Osona (Spain) as a Lead Partner.


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  • EcoCore - Small Cities with Big Ambitions for their Green Transition


    The climate time bomb is ticking. This is the most important global systemic threat to the worldwide economy today. In response, government policies from the local to international level are seeking to reshape industrial development towards more environmentally sound practices right across the value chain. This is commonly referred to as the green industrial transition.  

    This transition or process of change is resulting in a worldwide movement towards more sustainable and eco-friendly industrial practices. The aim is to move away from traditional resource-heavy and polluting industrial processes to cleaner and more sustainable, efficient and smart alternatives. This will also involve a shift in consumer behaviour towards more sustainable products and services.

    Green transition policies aim to reshape productive sectors, from energy to agriculture, mobility, manufacturing and construction. According to a recent paper entitled ‘The green transition and its potential territorial discontents’, there will however be winners and losers.  In short, the green transition may well redirect capital investments towards regions and cities where pre-conditions in terms of infrastructure, skills and governance are more favourable. Those who want to capitalise on the opportunities provided by the green transition – those who want to emerge as ‘winners’ -  need to ensure that these preconditions are firmly in place. 

    Cognisant of this, the EcoCore network of nine small European cities have opted to unite in proactively shaping their future fate and seizing the opportunities provided by the green transition for their local economies.  


    Photo 1: EcoCore partners gather for a photo opportunity on the beach in Balbriggan
    Photo 1: EcoCore partners gather for a photo opportunity on the beach in Balbriggan 


    Eileen Crowley

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  • C4TALENT: Where Talent Meets Opportunity – Building Thriving Business Ecosystems

    Erik and Máté, two young brothers, born and raised in Nyíregyháza, Hungary, share a passion for gastronomy. After completing their secondary education, they embarked on a journey that took them through prestigious restaurants in Budapest, London, and Toronto, including Michelin-starred establishments. Erik honed his skills, rising to the position of sous-chef, while Máté progressed as a head waiter. Despite their success abroad, their ultimate dream was to open a restaurant in their hometown. Opting for a bold career shift, they returned to Nyíregyháza, leveraging their experience to establish a successful pasta bar. Their story serves as a great example of attracting and retaining talent - however, when in comes to small and medium sized towns, unfortunately this is is more an exception than the rule.

    Béla Kézy

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  • Project PUMA team full of energy to tackle mobility topics

    PUMA – it is all about PEOPLE!

    PUMA – Plans for Urban Mobility Actions is a project about how to plan and promote sustainable mobility in cities with different size and realities.



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  • Event

    Informatiebijeenkomst URBACT Innovation Transfer Networks-call

    Tijdens deze bijeenkomst brengen wij u op de hoogte van de nieuwe URBACT call for networks. Ditmaal voor het nieuwe Innovation Transfer Network (ITN), dat samen met het European Urban Initiative (EUI) is opgezet om kennis uit Innovative Actions (IA)-projecten van EUI over te brengen naar andere steden in Europa. We gaan in op de call tekst, de voorwaarden voor deelname, de URBACT Search Tool en de aanvraagprocedure. Aanmelden is mogelijk via de website van Platform31: https://www.platform31.nl/

    URBACT punt Ne…