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  • Jelgavas novada pašvaldība akcentē prasmju attīstīšanu sabiedrības digitālās plaisas mazināšanai

    Laikā no 13. līdz 15. novembrim Jelgavas novada pašvaldības pārstāvji piedalījās URBACT IV programmas projekta “Digi-Inclusion” partneru darba sanāksmē, kuru organizēja projekta vadošais partneris - Mollet del Vallès pašvaldība Spānijā.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Leaving No-one Behind in a Digital World

    Technology is a marvellous thing. The Covid-19 pandemic has helped us to take a huge leap forward in embracing digital technology in all walks of life. From remote working, to online shopping, to greater acceptance of digital signatures, submitting our tax forms online, video-calling our friends and family in other countries with just a few clicks, using digital tickets for trains and buses, social gaming with our friends online, and fast contactless payments with one tap of our smartphone. Life has never been smoother.


    Or has it….?


    Digital solutions are making a huge difference to our lives. But not everyone experiences those differences in a positive way. What if you don’t have a smartphone? Or don’t have internet at home? What if you’ve never learnt to use a PC or tablet? What if you fear getting scammed and your money stolen, like your friend did last year…?!

    For so many people in our communities, technology is not a marvellous thing – it’s something which makes them feel excluded and makes life more difficult.

    Ian Graham

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  • BiodiverCity: Community-based approaches to foster urban biodiversity

    In the bustling cities of our Network, a remarkable initiative called BiodiverCity is taking root. With a vision to harness the power of nature-based solutions, BiodiverCity aims to measure biodiversity and account for the related ecosystem services to design and scale up transformative projects. The partner cities of this URBACT project envision a future where vibrant urban ecosystems and community-driven actions harmoniously coexist.

    Kristof Park Morris

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  • The DIGI-INCLUSION Consortium in the First Transnational Meeting in Mollet del Vallès

    DIGI-INCLUSION Network 1st Transnational Meeting in Mollet del Vallès

    The 1st Transnational meeting of the DIGI-INCLUSION network was held in Mollet del Vallès on November 13th, 14th and 15th and was attended by delegations from all the network partners:

    - Mollet del Vallès (Lead Partner).

    - Jelgava Local Municipality (Latvia).

    - Alexandroupolis (Greece).

    - Municipality of Torres Vedras (Portugal).

    - Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation (Poland).

    - Iași (Romania).

    - Boulogne sur mer Développement Côte d'Opale (France).

    - Lepida ScpA (Italy).

    - Department for Development and International Projects of Zenica- Doboj Canton (DDIP ZDC) (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

    As well as the participation of URBACT Secretariat Director, Teofil Gherca.


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  • EUI 2. Call

    Austausch zwischen Städten im Rahmen der EUI

    Ganz gleich, ob Sie an einem städtischen Aufforstungsprojekt arbeiten oder sich mit Strategien für eine effektive Datenerfassung und -analyse befassen möchten – der Austausch mit anderen Städten kann sowohl aufschlussreich als auch inspirierend sein.

    Martina Bach

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  • Why are we still talking about gender equality? The FEMACT-Cities Action Planning Network: Addressing the implementation gap in gender equality policy

    The FEMACT-Cities Action Planning Network: Addressing the implementation gap in gender equality policy

    Why are we still talking about gender equality?


    2024 will mark the 25 year anniversary of the Pact of Amsterdam, the legal document which made gender equality compulsory in the European Union. But even before that, gender equality policy had been enacted on national and regional levels in the member states. So why are we still talking about gender equality?


    Haven‘t we moved beyond this topic yet?


    Unfortunately, the reality is that not only haven‘t we closed the gap between men and women in wages, pensions, school achievement, participation in STEM fields, number of political representatives, and many other topics, in fact, recent data from the European Institute on Gender Equality (EIGE) shows that progress on gender equality in the EU-27 stalled or was in some places even negative between 2019 and 2022, due largely in part to the gendered effects of the pandemic.

    Mary Dellenbaugh

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