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  • SDG Story: Manresa

    Do we all really share a common positive vision of the future of our city?

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Local governmental committees (LGC) as a flagship of a democracy Our planned small-scale action with a long-term impact

    There is an ongoing discussion of how to encourage people to take care about their town, neighborhoods or park, which they use every day while walking to the job. On that account one has to ask: Why do we not care about public spaces in the same way we tend to care about our flats or gardens? This question points to the very important fact, which is our sense for a common world, the one we all share together, and where “I and they” merge into one. Thus, the key role of Active citizens I see in advocating for this sense of common. To understand this will help us to build a stronger sense for participative principles and democracy. Who I perceive as a useful ally in this task are local governmental committees (Komise místní samosprávy in Czech). In response to that, our ULG sets as one of our long-term goals, to create a strong partnership with LGC in Hradec Králové. In the following lines, I would like to describe our tactics of how to involve members of LGC in Active citizens’projects and what pros we see in this cooperation.

    Barbara Gautherie

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  • FOCUS ON: Trapani - how the city is building on its strengths

    In the last article about Trapani, we gave a snapshot of this fascinating but relatively little known city.  In this article, we focus on how Trapani is building on it's strengths going forward.  

    James Carless

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  • Major Development Agency Thessaloniki

    Our Greek partner empowers the Thessaloniki metropolis and supports municipalities in managing and implementing sustainable urban development, mobility and accessibility plans and projects

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Local Communication has many facets

    Participatory planning, co-creation, co-management are fashionable “buzzwords” when you ask city practitioners on the recent trends in urban planning and development. And they are right: the best way to plan for an inclusive, green and also prosperous city development is to meet the needs of its stakeholders, its population. This means of course involvement, the earlier and the more integrated the better. But what is needed to accomplish planning with and for people? One of the answers to this is an obvious and at the same time a challenging one: it is communication. With stakeholder, with residents, with population groups. On their needs, their concerns, their ideas, their vision for coming development steps. So, what can be done for a good communication a city’s diverse stakeholder and population setting?

    Claus Kollinger

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  • Meet the partners: interview with Sebastian Knoll

    [[{"fid":"48554","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Sebastian Knoll","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Sebastian Knoll","field_author[und][0][value]":"City of Munich"},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Sebastian Knoll","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Sebastian Knoll","field_author[und][0][value]":"City of Munich"}},"attributes":{"alt":"Sebastian Knoll","title":"Sebastian Knoll","height":445,"width":445,"style":"float: right; height: 100px; width: 100px;","class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"1"}}]]The city of Munich works on the city’s first circular district, transforming the former military base ‘Bayernkaserne’ to a new urban district housing around 15,000 people. Making smart use of locally available materials is an important goal in the project. Sebastian Knoll, being an engineering ecologist, supports the ULG in Munich regarding the re- and upcycling of excavated soil and secondary raw materials as rooting layers. At the Technical University of Munich he is currently researching the possible re-use of brick material as plant substrates.

    City of Utrecht

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