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  • The City of A Coruña hosts its 3rd ULG meeting

    The third Urbact Local Group (ULG) meeting of A Coruña took place on 26th August 2019 at the Centro Cívico Novoboandanza, in the city center.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Visiting French Toy Libraries: what’s at stake

    An article by Ileana Toscano and Paola Amato

    Toy Libraries were the focus of the Study Visit, organized in Paris and its surroundings on 1st and 2nd July 2019, by the Urbact Transfer Network “The Playful Paradigm”, a partnership of 8 EU cities leaded by the Municipality of Udine and aimed at adapting Udine’s Good Practice about games and gamification experience as tools for boosting a better urban governance and an innovative urban planning.

    Ileana Toscano

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  • Re-growCity has got its first transfer success!

    The ULG in Melgaço (Portugal) has made enormous strides towards adapting the pop-up shop practice from lead partner Altena (Germany).


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  • Teaching youth to take care of the environment will green each street of your city

    Find out how COVID-19 is no barrier to innovation in resilient cities and how to prepare for the next big crisis


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  • Japanese Academic Visits Altena

    Altena’s reputation as a town that takes highly innovative actions to tackle long term decline has taken on a global dimension.


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  • The Transfer process behind the BeePathNet

    We are well into the first third of the project and partners are busy with transferring Ljubljana's good practice in accordance with their plans. On a recent Boot camp meeting in Ljubljana, all partners started to work on their own bee paths which will be developed alongside different local stakeholders. We will hopefully soon see the first urban apiaries in Bydgoszcz and Nea Propontida to accompany the first activities in the bee paths' implementation.

    But what is the actual process behind the transfer?


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