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  • OLD DOGS, NEW TRICKS: Can cities really learn...?

    Whilst the Learning Ladder of Implementation gives us a framework to help us understand what we’re dealing with, there are still some other things to consider when developing our understanding of implementation and then applying that new learning within our teams, across our municipality or more widely throughout our wider city partnerships.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • STEP BY STEP WE GO: Structured learning about implementation

    In the previous post (Talking About Doing) we looked at defining what we mean by implementation and introduced the idea of separating the concept of Implementation from the concept of Policy – looking at the HOW separately from the WHAT.

    Having done that, we need to look at the process for learning and exchange in relation to implementation…


    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • TALKING ABOUT DOING: Finding a common language about implementation

    The URBACT Implementation Networks have supported cities to exchange expertise and knowledge about how to implement their projects more successfully, looking to understand and improve how the implementation of policy works in reality. Stay Tuned has been specifically focussed on projects to reduce Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET), following and supporting nine cities on their implementation journeys to turn their strategies in to action at a local level.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • We present the ON BOARD at URBACT Campus

    On the 4th and 5th of June, Viladecans hosted the URBACT Campus, two intense days spent training municipal technicians and local stakeholders associated with the 17 URBACT transfer networks operating in Spain today. It was there where we introduced the ON BOARD to the other participating cities.


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  • Bees and pollination are important factors for biodiversity as well as for the economy

    Without bees 75% of our food plants would not yield any fruits at all, there would be a major economy lost in crop production, wildflowers would not ripen seeds and biodiversity would drastically decrease. Lately numerous great initiatives started to protect bees and their pollinator counterparts – they deserve our support as they also help us. One of these kinds of actions arose at our project partner Hegyvidék (Budapest, Hungary).


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  • Training programme & boundary conditions to enter employer/employee responsibilities

    All processes carried out by cities, both those related to revitalization and other measures against social exclusion and social cohesion should be preceded by appropriate preparation. Changes are created by people - local government officials, NGO activists, politicians and residents, and we should start with the desire to change them.


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