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  • Idrija | Playground on the city square

    by Tina Lisac, Idrija Municipality (Slovenia)

    City Centre doctor project is coming to an end – or if we say better – end of a new start.

    Alberto Ferri

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  • Freight TAILS Final Report:

    On the eve of our Final Event, Split, Croatia; the Freight TAILS network is pleased to publish our Final Report: 'Managing urban freight more effectively: A guide to getting started and planning actions.'


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  • Revitalize City Centre | Case study for the CITY CENTRE DOCTOR network

    by Marco Buemi (ad hoc Expert URBACT)

    According to EU officials, cities are expected to play a key role in the implementation of Europe 2020 and its flagship initiatives. Among the main objectives of the EU in the field of Cities revitalization:

    Alberto Ferri

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    by Valeria Vacchiano, Tiziana Eliantonio, Fabrizio Barbiero

    The current situation in Turin is featured by an increasing trend of economic and social suffering, which could cause effects of social exclusion and poverty of a part of the population. Within the City there are several types of poverty (economic, housing problems, cultural, educational, relational…), which need a multidimensional approach.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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    Here we are, just few hours and all the Interactive Cities will meet in Genoa for the closing moment of our project.

    Genoa is preparing a rich program for our friends cities: we will dedicate time to discuss our achievements and learnings, meeting again some of the cities which accompained us along our road to an Interactive Digital Communication like Madrid and Amsterdam; and finding some new cities, like Eindhoven or Turin, to share ideas and strategies. And we will have time to learn and to discover new projects and actions with important guests like DG Connect, JRC and PA Social.


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  • Innovability: can social media innovation foster development in the field of urban mobility?

    The final report from the Genius-open project.


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