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    After several months of online meetings and communication via email, the members of Caen’s ULG (Urbact Local Group) finally met on 2nd July at the Arlette’s Gardens for what was to be a meeting with a very rich agenda: update on what is going on at European level in terms of urban agriculture, update on what is going at local level, on-going RU:RBAN actions…and what happens next – after RU:RBAN.  

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Cities with ideas - Let's talk about energy

    What is the youth's vision of the environmental situation the world is currently facing?

    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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  • An action packed kick off to Phase 2!

    This Kick off was a bit different than we are used to! Everything online, however what a way to kick off Phase! Read more about the key messages and learnings during our 1st Transnational meeting, Phase 2.

    Esmée Dijt

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    In this video Suceva, shows its future strategy for the Citizen Card based mainly in mobility and culture and also how its politicians lead and believe in the project. Political commitment is one of the keys of a succesful Good Practice implementation.


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  • Opportunities and challenges of civic participation in Siracusa

    There are many opportunities for civic participation in Siracusa, a partner of URBACT ACTive NGOs project, but there are also challenges mainly connected with the lack of physical space for different NGOs to implement their activities. Gianni Saraceno, member of URBACT local group and a representaive of association S.D. Syrako Rugby Club shares his experience of involvement in the project. 


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  • The power of Honey

    The Municipality of Amarante, one of the most beautiful and “sweet” cities of Portugal, is a destination in the north of the country. It is recognized for its honey in varieties such as heather, rosemary, eucalyptus or orange which is so special, that it is labelled with the EU Protected geographical indication. Originating from traditional use of honey in the culinary field and due to locals with dreams and visions, who joined small beekeepers and developed their business, local honey and diverse products made with honey or other bee products are distributed across the country and abroad. Today, beekeeping is a growing sector of the local industry especially important for the rural areas.  


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