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  • ‘STAY TUNED’ after the project concludes

    ‘Early leaving from education and training’ (ELET) will be a challenge long after Stay Tuned concludes. With these words, Ghent vice-mayor of education Elke Decruynaere concluded the final conference of the European project on exchanging ideas and expertise between nine European cities. It indicates the necessity, not only to continue such exchange on tackling ELET long after our final conference, but also to find strategies to implement them in our respective cities.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • Gothenburg: insight in non-attendance through a digital tool

    Gothenburg (Sweden) has been running a project, in partnership with one of the city district administrations in Gothenburg, to develop a digital tool that facilitates a more proactive and pre-emptive approach.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • Revitalization in Zagreb - create "New urban value for new social interaction always with the presence of its heritage and industrial memory".

    The revitalization in the city of Zagreb is a constant process that takes years in different parts of the city.



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  • Sofia: sports to keep young people engaged

    Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria, created a Municipal Education Fund to support micro-actions that contribute to the prevention of ELET. In 2018 it initiated the Youth Referee Academy, an educational sports programme, which seems to effectively entice young people to continue education, gain qualifications.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • How did BioCanteens good practice helped the LAG Pays des Condruses to involve its local elected representatives?

    BioCanteens meeting as a stepping stone for Pays des Condruses’s food governance:

    Nathan Begoc

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  • Lublin: A Municipality co-designing a long-term Local Strategy with local and European stakeholders

    “Mapping, mapping and one more time: mapping!” Data collection, interpretation and use has become one of the most important needs in Lublin. Not only Lisbon Strategy – an URBACT Good Practice to be adapted within the framework of Com.unity.Lab – can help this enchanting eastern city of Poland to develop a more meaningful and integrated ”Lublin 2030 Strategy”, but also the experiences from other cities involved in this Transfer Network… Even local stakeholders like Lubelska Grupa Badawcza (that we interviewed in situ) have a crucial role towards a more participatory city. At least this is the opinion of Anna Szadkowska and Magdelena Gnyp-Scigocka, experts in the Municipality Social Participation Office and coordinators of Com.Unity.Lab in Lublin.


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