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  • BIOCANTEENS: How one city went 100% organic without spending any more

    Une contribution URBACT à l’Agenda Urbain Européen

    François Jégou

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  • Welcoming international professionals and students

    MEDINT project MEDINT is an URBACt I Project which studied the integrated approach concept, which has become a characteristic feature of European urban development strategies. The work carried out in European cities shows that this concept has been interpreted and implemented in a variety of different ways (integration of local actors, of different economic sectors, of different initiatives, of different development tools and policies). The conclusions of the MEDINT network are summarized in the form of several pdf files.

    Willem van Winden

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  • An old fortress brings new cohesion

    MEDINT project MEDINT is an URBACt I Project which studied the integrated approach concept, which has become a characteristic feature of European urban development strategies. The work carried out in European cities shows that this concept has been interpreted and implemented in a variety of different ways (integration of local actors, of different economic sectors, of different initiatives, of different development tools and policies). The conclusions of the MEDINT network are summarized in the form of several pdf files.


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  • The penultimate Case Study Meeting

    URBANITAS project This report contains a summary of the various conferences held as part of the Urbanitas URBACT I project, which ran from May 2005 to March 2007. This report ends with the conclusions and recommendations produced by the practical experience from over two years of European cooperation.

    Artur Katai

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  • Naples’ URBinclusion thematic seminar: how to make co-creation and co-responsibility real?

    By Nicola Masella and Roberta Nicchia

    The URBinclusion “ULG Thematic Seminar” took place in Naples on the 13th and 14th of December 2018, bringing together representatives from the URBinclusion Local Group and Network's partners. The main aim of this meeting was, in fact, to exchange and learn on the topic: how to make co-creation and co-responsibility real?

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Cahors is experimenting with participatory approaches

    Cahors will host the eight cities of the Int Herit network at a meeting that will take place from February 2019, 19 to 22. It will be the opportunity for Cahors to highlight the mobilization of its Urbact Local Group around the revitalization of Château-du-Roi Street.

    Please see here the agenda for the meeting

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    Antonio Zafra

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