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  • INTERCOMUNALE LEIEDAL. Peer Review Reports, INT-HERIT Project

    During the transnational meeting celebrated last February in the kortrijk region in Belgium, the INT-HERIT team had the possibility to visit two important sites. Both of them cultural heritage looking to be managed in an integrated and innovative way.

    Antonio Zafra

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    AGRI-URBAN has arrived to the end of its implementation in the frame of the URBACT Programme.

    This last article is the summary of two texts included in the final publications produced by experts and partners of this Project and offers an overview of the itinerary followed during the past 30 months.

    We kindly invite you to read the set of publications and videos created and particularly to benefit from the Integrated Action Plans approved by the eleven cities involved in AGRI-URBAN. All documents and videos are accessible on this website and the YouTube project page.

    Antonio Zafra

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  • CityMobilNet at the 5th European Conference on Sustainable Mobility Plans

    Right now, the 14th and 15th of May 2018, the international community of sustainable urban mobility experts, policy makers, scientists and practitioners is gathering in Nicosia, Cyprus for the 5th edition of the European Conferene on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. About 500 persons are discussing the latest developments and innovations as well as the experiences gathered and collected from first and second stage plan development. CityMobilNet is proud to be part of it!

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Lyon Metropolis context and social strategy

    The first version of the Genius process map, produced at the beginning of the project.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Former military areas as hubs for urban innovation

    The development of a series of Integrated Action Plans (IAPs) for the reuse of the former military assets, but also in the development of real innovative solutions, to encourage the use of this particular type of heritage are the main focuses of the MAPS project. At the same time, MAPS involves diverse stakeholders in the design and in the implementation of the IAPs through actions such as Open days, sport events (for professionals and amateurs), awareness raising at city level of the military heritage, involvement of the local schools to strengthen the ongoing project in the city.

    Rediscovering former military sites through public events

    Luca Lanzoni

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  • Genoa Final Conference – Study Visits

    The Interactive Cities Final Conference that we had the honor to host in our city almost two weeks ago, was also the occasion to organize thematic site visits to show to our guests some of the unique reality we have in town.

    In Genoa there is a large number of activities, shops and urban fabric that are growing, promoting a series of initiatives aiming at develop a concrete strategy through which improve the use of social media and digital devices. In order to realize concrete strategy of action in different fields, our Municipality is working together with some of the most important stakeholder in the city, also members of our ULG, for instance the Chamber of Commerce and the University of Genoa.


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