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  • Altena - A Transfer Story

    Our starting point: We had already a working volunteering base, the STELLWERK and we also had some great projects which are going on in Altena, but we have one really big problem we need new and young people for our volunteering actions.

    It was and still is a great chance to be a part of the transfer network from Urbact “Volunteering Cities” and learn from the lead partner and the other cities what we could do, to get more volunteers into the STELLWERK.


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  • Insights from the URGE network: thematic report

    Insights from the URGE network and experiences from the Intermunicipal Community of the West Region in Portugal on the mapping of flows and industrial symbiosis in a circular economy. 

    By Dr. Eleni Feleki, Lead Expert of the URGE Action Planning Network

    City of Utrecht

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  • Tropa Verde in Guimarães (Transfer Story)

    Marias journey towards a greener future.

    Christian Beade

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  • Innovato-R Final Meeting

    The meeting took place in Turin, in a two-days virtual format, with the contribution of two innovation experts, Charles Landry and Amalia Zepou, and an internal session dedicated to the comparison between the partner cities.

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • Tropa Verde in Zugló (Transfer Story)

    Tropa Verde is in line with Zugló’s environmental priorities and challenges to change its citizens behaviour towards waste recycling. Municipality of Zugló initiated cooperation with FKF (the capital- owned company for waste management) in awareness raising related recycling. They invited waste experts to the ULG, and involved our cultural and sport organizations to the program. Their slogen is: Culture and health for waste!

    Christian Beade

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  • Tropa Verde in Pavlos Melas (Transfer Story)

    What is changing in the recycling behaviour in Pavlos Melas?

    Christian Beade

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