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  • SDG Story: Tallinn

    Guidelines for the implementation and monitoring of the sustainable development goals in the framework of Tallinn 2035 Development Strategy.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Our Balbriggan Hackathon

    The Our Balbriggan Hackathon took place in October 2021. The initial concept for the Hackathon was to hold a one day event “The changing face of Balbriggan” Hackathon. As the plans developed further and given the fact Balbriggan is the youngest town in Ireland, we decided it would be beneficial to also develop a Hackathon specifically for students in local schools. And so, the Our Balbriggan Hackathon combined 2 parts, one all day hybrid event and a schools Hackathon event.

    Sonia Files

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  • Digital marketing and tourism, Candelaria shows its greatness in the European URBACT programme

    On the 16th of February, Candelaria met with the partners of the European project 'Find your greatness' of the URBACT programme, to deepen the tourism and local experiences of each participating country.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • SDG Story: Ozalj

    Vision for 2030.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Focus on Toulouse Métropole (FR): Who are the homeless in our city? How many are they?

    Friday night, 21st January 2022. The coldest night of the week. Well equipped with several warm layers of clothes, socks, gloves, scarf and cap, I am ready to meet my new team and to discover my new urban itinerary for the homeless street count.

    Hannelore Bonami

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  • How virtual hackathon draw Pärnu closer together

    Pärnu is well known as summer tourism attraction: city center with its lovely parks and the resort area with its famous sandy beach and promenade invite tourists for long walks. You can spot remnants of distant Middle Ages, the elegant early years of the resort, the unforgettable Soviet era and the fast-paced modern development.

    Sonia Files

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