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  • The KAIRÓS journey continues: International meeting Mula

    Now that the KAIRÓS journey is almost coming to an end, it is time to gather the achievements and refine the final outputs.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • The KAIRÓS Project is here to stay – by Anke van Wijck, Project Coordinator

    In Mula several strands of action will ensure the continuity of the KAIRÓS objectives long after the closure of the actual project.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • FOCUS ON: Trapani - about the city

    The latest in our series of Focus On's is the city of Trapani.  Located in on the north-west coast of Sicily; Trapani is certainly the southernmost of our 4 partner cities and probably the least well known. 

    James Carless

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  • Torino (IT) - Fifth ULG Meeting, March 17 2022

    The fifth Urbact Local Group (ULG) of Turin took place on 17 march 2022 at Beeozanam Community Hub, via Foligno 14.

    Laura Socci

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  • URBACT en en IX Pleno de la Red de Iniciativas Urbanas

    El jueves 7 de abril se celebra el IX Pleno de la Red de Iniciativas Urbanas (RIU) que aglutina a las ciudades y a los organismos públicos vinculados a los tres grandes programas europeos DUS del 2014-2020 (EDUSI, UIA y URBACT) a fin de compartir entre ellos experiencias y buenas prácticas urbanas.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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    We are all familiar with mid-term reports, evaluation and progress reports, spreadsheets and all relevant tools available to measure results and overall completion of expected activities. There is, however, one aspect that we don’t seem to take into account when preparing all these documents: human perception, in other words “how do partners perceive the project’s implementation and progress?”.

    Patricia Hernandez

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