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Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • Exploring cultural wishes and needs

    How can we support the development of cultural infrastructure? And how can we involve local residents and stakeholders? Amsterdam’s second ULG meeting on the 21st of April was about every district’s focus questions for the ACCESS project.


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  • Lisbon Transnational meeting

    March 2021- The Access network went on a virtual fieldtrip to the peripheries of Lisbon, where the Muro Urban Art Festival took place. Neighbourhoods were transformed into a playground for urban artistic expression to allow voices of the residents to be heard, to be legitimated, and to sediment in the history of the area. 


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  • ACCESS challenges, how Lisbon is taking it

    As ACCESS enters its second phase and the world deals with the pandemic reality, Culture in Lisbon is both focusing on the territory that has been chosen to work upon and the constraints that will emerge from it and from the global and local context.


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  • ENCORE 2021 Environmental Conference of the Regions of Europe

    URBACT is participating in the virtual gallery of the ENCORE 2021 (Environmental Conference of the Regions of Europe)

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    Karl Murphy

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  • Schrijf je in voor de URBACT workshops tijdens de #EURegionsWeek!

    De 19e Europese Week van regio's en steden vindt dit jaar online plaats van 11 tot en met 14 oktober 2021.

    Fabian Massart

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  • As cidades URBACT unem esforços na procura da sustentabilidade global

    Uma nova rede URBACT tem como objetivo liderar o caminho para o cumprimento dos ODS da ONU nas cidades. Descubra porque é que isto é importante.

    Maria João Matos

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