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  • Vivi lo spirito etrusco di Perugia, la città della libertà e della pace

    Il Comune di Perugia, con la collaborazione dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Perugia (ABA), sta lavorando al lancio della sua campagna di comunicazione partendo dal concetto di Spirito Etrusco che ha caratterizzato i secoli nella storia, diventando uno stile di vita e di pensiero per tutti i cittadini.


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  • Il patrimonio industriale della stazione ferroviaria come motore della rigenerazione urbana e della coesione sociale a Cesena!

    Per la città di Cesena, KAIRÓS significa una nuova sfida per sperimentare modelli di governance innovativi e processi partecipativi per rigenerare l'area intorno alla stazione ferroviaria adiacente al centro storico, caratterizzata da un alto valore storico grazie alla presenza di edifici industriali originali del '900 e da un alto potenziale di attrattività in quanto punto di accesso e arrivo soprattutto per turisti e studenti.


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  • Fünf Lesetipps für Stadtbegeisterte

    Auf der Suche nach der passenden Sommerlektüre? Lassen Sie sich von den neusten Veröffentlichungen der URBACT-Transfernetzwerke inspirieren!

    Heike Mages

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  • Creating space for people starts with talking to people

    Guía de Isora is characterised by its polycentric structure of 17 villages with 3 main centres and an overall low population density with about 21,000 inhabitants spreading out over 14,343 km². Public transport services face challenges from low ridership and the high quantity of needed connections to provide a good travel option between the villages thus, for residents and visitors alike. Consequently, the main mode chosen to travel between the villages is cars coming along with using much of the available public space for roads and parking. Guía de Isora strives to provide attractive and safe public spaces, however. Starting with the centre of the main village, Guia de Isora Casco, the city plans to apply pilots for testing how changes are met by people. But to safeguard a good start to the pilots, they simply asked people on their problems and needs!

    Claus Kollinger

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  • Alba Iulia, "Sustainable Community - European Energy Award"

    The beginning of this week brought good news for Alba Iulia, the Other Capital: the confirmation that the continuous efforts made for the development of a smart city and sustainable community were not in vain. His Excellency Mr. Arthur Mattli, the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to Romania, was present in Alba Iulia to confirm the good path the Other Capital is following in terms of becoming a sustainable community. The city, represented by Mr. Mayor Gabriel Pleșa, Deputy Mayors and other representatives of Alba Iulia Municipality, was awarded by HE Mr. Arthur Mattli with the prestigious "Sustainable Community - European Energy Award".

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Ostrava v projektu Com.Unity.Lab podporuje sousedské aktivity na sídlištích

    Ostrava se díky programu URBACT stala součástí sítě pro sdílení a předávání zkušeností, a podílela se tak na studiu osvědčených postupů města Lisabon zaměřených na urbanistické výzvy v sociálně znevýhodněných oblastech pomocí integrovaného přístupu.

    Eliska Pilna

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