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  • Τα κορυφαία άρθρα του URBACT για το 2020!

    Ρίξτε μια ματιά στη γρήγορη επισκόπηση των πιο δημοφιλών άρθρων μεταξύ των αναγνωστών του URBACT κατά τη διάρκεια του 2020.


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  • URBACT bright spots to look forward to in 2021

    What will URBACT be up to in 2021? Check out 8 of our highlights for the year ahead.


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  • 2020: Πώς θα θυμάται τη χρονιά αυτή το URBACT;

    O Ed Thorpe, συντάκτης για τον «Κόμβο Γνώσης» (Knowledge Hub) του URBACT κάνει μία επισκόπηση των βασικών συμπερασμάτων για το πρόγραμμα URBACT το 2020 που όσο να πεις ήταν μία δύσκολη χρονιά!


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  • The Dublin Cultural Audit and Map project

    The Dublin Cultural Audit and Map project was developed to add to the local authoritys knowledge base, to inform decisions by the city council departments, planners and strategists. This intelligence project is also a public resource - a website called Culture Near You - that makes the citys cultural buildings, organisations and networks easier to find and connect with for the people of Dublin.

    Soumeya Alhaddadi

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  • European capital cities leading the urban agenda for cultural inclusion

    Eight cities are collaborating in a newly established network named ACCESS, funded by URBACT, an EU programme to develop sustainable solutions to urban challenges. The aim is to bring about a real shift in cultural policymaking in Europe and as a result ensure access to culture for all citizens.

    Soumeya Alhaddadi

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  • The digital transformation of the mobility systems and services in Trikala, Greece

    Trikala, a city of 81.000 citizens in Greece, is an old ‘smart story’ with several correlated projects being implemented in an attempt to meet the social interest and the municipal strategic vision for a “Resilient, Smart and Efficient” city by 2025.

    Dino Alessi

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